Tuesday, June 15, 2010

EXP3: Key Guide

Although the design of my project may be simple, the elevators within portray a rather complex mechanism. Therefore I have devised an architectural experience which shows every aspect my design. Note that due to the complexity one must follow the steps below perfectly to ensure the system works.

1. Start by dropping into the game on the higher land platform of the valley. Press “h”.

2. Once the high side bridge rises up to join the valley wall to the central tower, walk across and into the tower. Begin exploring this floor.

3. To move from this floor downwards through the tower press the following buttons in the followings order. Start by pressing “r” to move to the floor below. Explore this floor and then press “t” to move to floor below that. Continue using this system to move and explore the structure by pressing the following button in order:
“y” - “u” – “o”

4. Once on the bottom floor press “p” to return to the upper floor of Angela Merkel’s section. Find your way to the reception and bridge. Stand on the marked individual platform at the beginning and press “j” to move to the valley floor. Once on the valley floor move to explore the meeting place under the tower.

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